Veneers or Teeth Whitening, Which is Best?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:10 pm
Young adult with a shining white smile

Plenty of people feel that they could do with a little bit of a brighter smile. Some people, however, feel like they’ll never be able to get that with just dental hygiene alone.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you’ve been looking for. In fact, there are a multitude of things your dentist can do to give you whiter teeth. Teeth whitening and veneers are both cosmetic treatments that can give you results that you can be more than happy with.

Often picking between the two of them comes down to personal preference. If you’re wondering how to make that decision, here’s a guide that may be able to help you.


How Will Veneers Require You to Change Your Diet?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:04 pm
Woman having veneers placed on her teeth

Veneers are capable of taking whatever kind of teeth you’re working with and transforming them into the smile of your dreams! Within as little as two appointments, your dentist can give you teeth that you can truly be proud of.

You may wonder, however, if you’ll have to make any lifestyle changes to accommodate your new veneers. In particular, patients tend to be worries about whether they’ll need to make any changes in their diet. If you’re curious, here’s what your ought to know about that.
