Emergency Dentistry – Norton Shores, MI

Need Care Immediately? Call Our Dental Experts

Every year, millions of people suffer from toothaches, broken teeth, and other dental issues that require immediate attention. You may not think these kinds of problems can happen to you, but they absolutely can – and you need to be prepared. Make sure you have the number for Laketown Family Dental on hand at all times, so you can call us as soon as you or a loved one is in need of emergency dentistry in Norton Shores, MI; we’ll make time for you right away.

Woman in need of emergency dentistry holding jaw

Why Choose Laketown Family Dental for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Most Procedures Offered In-House
  • Friendly, Experienced Dental Team
  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

  • Schedule a same-day appointment. Time is of the essence in any emergency situation, which means you need to see us right away to restore your oral health. Over the phone, a team member will provide first-aid instructions to help you handle the situation while you wait for your appointment.
  • Have an emergency exam. When you get to our office, we’ll thoroughly examine your mouth to identify the source and extent of your emergency. Our team will also try to alleviate any urgent pain you may be in.
  • Review your treatment options. After your exam, we’ll explain our findings and discuss your treatment options. We’ll work with you to create a custom treatment plan that suits you best.
  • Get the care you need. Once we have agreed on a treatment plan, we’ll get to work right away to repair your smile and get it back on the right track. If you’re particularly nervous or uncomfortable, we offer sedation dentistry to help you relax during your appointment.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

What should you do in the event of a dental emergency? There are many ways to answer that question depending on the circumstances, but one thing you should always do is call us immediately so we can give you first-aid advice and schedule an appointment. When you call, please describe all of your symptoms in as much detail as possible so that we can give you the best advice. In the meantime, here’s how to deal with some of the more likely dental issues.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

  • Maintain good oral hygiene every day. Brush once in the morning and once in the evening. Try to floss daily. Use mouthwash for extra protection against bacteria.
  • Do not chew on ice, popcorn kernels, or other hard foods.
  • Avoid opening packages with your teeth or biting down on inanimate objects.
  • Invest in a mouthguard for playing sports or for protecting your teeth from grinding at night.
  • Visit us for routine cleanings and checkups every six months.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

You shouldn’t have to worry about the cost of treatment while you’re suffering from severe dental pain. Helping you find relief is our number one priority. The price of emergency care will vary, so before we begin treatment, we’ll explain the costs involved so that you understand what you can expect. Dental insurance, financing, and other payment options will be thoroughly discussed to lighten your financial burden as much as possible.

Root Canal Therapy

The phrase “root canal” seems to scare people, but the procedure is nothing to worry about; it’s more likely to stop pain than cause it. Simply put, when a tooth is infected, the diseased tissue beneath the enamel has to be removed before the bacteria spreads beyond the roots. The inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and detoxified before being refilled and resealed. This procedure can help save a tooth that might otherwise need to be removed.

Tooth Extractions

Sometimes, a tooth needs to be removed, such as when there’s a cavity that can’t be repaired with a filling or crown, or when gum disease has weakened the bone supporting the tooth to the point where it will be lost anyway. A tooth extraction is never our first choice for a treatment solution, but when one is needed, we’ll make the procedure as gentle as possible while ensuring that there are no unnecessary complications.

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